Health and safety regulations

Compliance with occupational health and safety regulations is able to reduce the risk of accidents at work, occupational diseases and generally increases the comfort of work. Occupational Health and Safety is a wide set of legal acts, norms, regulations and guidelines that present how to care for workplaces and how to perform designated tasks in order to minimize their negative effects. In Poland, the National Labor Inspectorate (PIP) is responsible for compliance with health and safety regulations. Occupational health and safety regulations apply to every employer, including self-employed persons. However, you can use outsourcing services in this area, entrusting activities to external specialists. Such services are provided by many companies throughout the country. Their specialists can provide full health and safety services, carry out audits, supervision, training, post-accident proceedings, prepare documents and provide other types of services as part of their position.


  • Labor Code, Chapter X
  • regulation on general provisions on health and safety at work (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 129, item 844, as amended)
  • Polish Standards, including PN-N-18001: 2004
  • ISO 9001 quality management standards or ISO 14001 environmental management standards
  • and other types of regulations

Employers who do not comply with health and safety regulations run the risk of being liable to PIP. Periodically conducted inspections are to verify the correct operation of the plant and if any irregularities are found, the company is subject to penalties.

See also: